laser hair removal - why is it worth to decide to undergo the treatment?
Daily hair removal using traditional methods is time consuming, tiring and often associated with skin irritation and redness. With the help of a laser hair removal procedure, you can quickly, painlessly and permanently get rid of unwanted hair from every part of your body. Why is laser hair removal the best way to remove hair?
Permanent removal of unwanted hair
Laser hair removal, among all other hair removal methods, provides the possibility of permanent removal of unnecessary hair. It only takes a few treatments to enjoy the effects of smooth, hairless skin for a long time to come. Laser hair removal is a quick and effective way to get rid of hairs from different places on the body.
laser hair removal of any part of the body
Usually, when we talk about epilation, body parts such as calves, thighs, bikinis and armpits come to mind. However, these are not the only areas that can be treated with laser hair removal. It is a method of treatment that allows you to get rid of hair from the line of the abdomen, feet, backs, hands, knees, neck, arms, hands, buttocks, shoulders, neck, chest, back or face.
No more irritation after epilation
Red irritation, ingrown hairs, irritated hair follicles or cuts - anyone who shaves their calves, thighs or bikini with a disposable razor knows these problems perfectly well. These effects of traditional epilation are not only unaesthetic, but often also cause pain and discomfort. It's time to stop it!
Laser hair removal makes it possible to forget about the unpleasant consequences of a simple shave.
Thanks to this treatment we can enjoy smooth and velvety skin every day.
High-quality equipment - for effective, fast and painless laser hair removal
The treatment, which is laser hair removal, is carried out with the use of modern equipment, i.e. the Soprano diode laser, which allows to remove unwanted hair from different parts of the body in a fast, safe and practically painless way. The principle of the diode laser is based on selective photothermolysis, which means that the laser light emitted by the device leads to destruction of the hair, by burning out the nutritional cells located in the hair follicle, which prevents hair from regeneration and regrowth. It is worth adding that Soprano combines two different wavelengths in a single diode stack: 810 nm and 940 nm, making laser hair removal with this device safe and comfortable, even for patients with darker skin (940 nm is less absorbed by melanin). In addition, Soprano equipment is equipped with TAPER focusing to minimize the side effects of the treatment and an effective skin cooling system, making laser hair removal treatments pleasant and painless.
Saves time and money - advantages of laser hair removal
Without a doubt, one of the advantages of laser hair removal is time saving. Thanks to this method, we can forget about the long hours spent in the bathroom shaving our legs with a disposable razor or with an epilator. Laser hair removal also involves saving money. Although the cost of a single treatment is quite high, in the long run, laser hair removal proves to be an excellent investment for many years! The cost of a series of treatments will pay for itself faster than you might think. The wax, cream, disposable razors, irritation soothing lotions that we buy are really quite an expense. Laser hair removal is a guarantee of comfort and freedom. By undergoing laser hair removal, you won't have to wonder whether you're ready for a big outing in a short dress or a spontaneous trip to the pool. So don't think any longer, just sign up for a series of laser hair removal treatments today to enjoy beautiful and smooth skin every day!
What are the contraindications for laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a safe procedure. Unfortunately, there are many contraindications that completely eliminate the patient from the procedure or create the possibility of discoloration.
Get to know them and make the best decision for you.
Contraindications include among others:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- damage, irritation and skin diseases: mycosis, psoriasis, AD, albinism,
- tan,
- taking photosensitizing drugs (retinoids, steroids, antidepressants, antibiotics and isotretinoin) and drugs that reduce blood coagulation,
- disorders of skin pigmentation, tendency to discoloration and scarring, skin warts,
- diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, insulin-dependent diabetes.
The final decision will still be made by the cosmetologist.He will interview you, familiarize himself with the problem and suggest the most advantageous solution.
For more information, please consult our salon or call +48 791 292 874. Receive the discount on the first treatment
What I have to do before laser treatment?
3 easy steps
Shave area before arriving for treatment.
Do not pull hair for min. 3 weeks before surgery!
Calm down, feel comfortable and let our experienced staff look after you.
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